A comprehensive list of Christmas tasks to help you prepare for 2023
March 13, 2024

A comprehensive check list to help you stay on top of the holiday game from now until December 25th
Even though Christmas 2023 seems far off, we all know that the winter months go by quickly, especially when there are extra events like Halloween, the October half-term, and Bonfire Night.

Therefore, we’ve put together the ideal guide for everything you need – and exactly when you need to do it – to ensure your festive period runs smoothly and stress-free. Don’t leave everything to one crazy festive rush in December (like buying your tree and decorations and putting together Christmas Eve boxes).

In case you’re wondering when Christmas falls in 2023, it will be on a Monday, while Boxing Day will fall on a Tuesday. This could offer you time to be ready without taking more time off, as you have the weekend coming up.

We’re here to help you be as organized as possible, with a list of timings for everything from Christmas dinner to online shopping and even this year’s posting dates. Whether you’ve started Christmas crafts and present buying early or you usually wait until the last minute.

Get ready now by saving this page to your to-do list for Christmas.
September in

We love doing homemade Christmas crafts, so even though you can start early, it’s a good idea to make your own gifts, crackers, and cards in the lead-up to Christmas.

As the evenings grow shorter and the weather gets colder, engaging in some Christmas handicraft can help you disconnect from technology. Consider making a DIY advent calendar, homemade Christmas decorations, or a wreath.

Additionally, if you would like to take additional time off work around Christmas, submit your request for time off as soon as possible. This will allow your employer plenty of time to make arrangements, even if other employees have similar plans.

There are many Christmas craft fairs throughout November, so see if there are any near you and get your tickets in advance. They’re excellent for finding inspiration for Christmas decorations and finding unusual Christmas presents.

Mid- to late-October: Arrange the Christmas meal.

Yes, Christmas Day is still more than two months away, but if you plan your Christmas Day activities in advance, everything else will fall into place. To get an idea of the number of caterers, send a message to your closest and dearest, making sure that everyone is in agreement.

This implies that you’ll also have a rough itinerary, allowing you to account for things like rail or drive time. In a similar vein, you can plan where guests will stay and whether you’ll need extra bedding if you have them over.

Yes, it’s still more than two months away, but if you figure out what you’ll be doing on Christmas Day now,Mid-late October: Start to fill in your calendar for December

Usually at this point, you may have already been invited to some events in December. Start making note of your busy days in a diary now, and you’ll avoid letting someone down. It’s also a good

Additionally, now is the ideal time to schedule any necessary celebratory appointments, such as those for hair and nails or, if feasible, online delivery. You’ll find it difficult to get what you want and might have to pay a higher price if you wait any longer.
By late October: Begin creating a budget.

Make a list of all the people you need to buy gifts for and allocate money for each individual on the list in addition to the total budget. Although you don’t have to know exactly what you’ll be purchasing them now, setting a target for your savings can make everything much simpler come December.
Mid-November: Begin your gift-buying.
By late October: Begin creating a budget.

Start your holiday shopping in November to avoid the crush of people. You should be set to go because you have your list and, ideally, some money saved!

At this stage, the majority of merchants should also be providing an extended return period for Christmas presents, but make sure to verify.
In mid-November, draft holiday cards.

This is one of those tasks that we want to put off, therefore the earlier you start, the better. It will give you time to make sure you’ve made enough Christmas cards if you’ve made your own.

Use this list of Christmas card message ideas as inspiration to add a unique touch to your cards.
End of November: Cook!

Stir Up Sunday is Sunday, November 26, 2022, so if you’re a purist who enjoys baking cakes from scratch, now’s the time. We have delectable recipes for everything from mince pies cooked from scratch to Christmas cake with cherry brandy. It’s always possible to bake in bulk and freeze some.
In late November, shop online

This year’s Black Friday is scheduled for November 24. Expect lots of deals to be found. We enjoy delaying. It will give you time to make sure you’ve made enough Christmas cards if you’ve made your own.
Go in with a plan and do some advance research to find out who will be offering the best deals on the items you want; resist the urge to splurge on something you don’t really need just because it’s on sale!

List everything you require and begin noting the stores that are offering discounts. Many of them most likely will start ahead of Black Friday.
Decorate in early December!

This is everyone’s favorite part of the holiday season. Shop a few days in advance if you’re going to get a real tree so you can let the branches to drop before decorating them. If you’d rather have an artificial one, you can pick a long-lasting one with our guide to the greatest fake Christmas trees.Take the decorations out of their hiding spot and assess if this year’s purchases will require any more ones. When the time comes, involve the entire family in the decorating process to create a genuinely joyous atmosphere. Here is a helpful guide we’ve put up to help you have the ideal tree.

In the beginning of December, send presents and cards abroad.

Now is the perfect time to mail cards and gifts to loved ones who live abroad if you haven’t already. The Royal Mail website has all the information you need to know about international last posting dates. Although the UK’s final suggested posting dates are currently available, it’s a good idea to allow plenty of time.

Early December: Write Santa Claus a letter.

Letters to Santa can be sent for free via Royal Mail, however the deadline is usually the first week of December. Father Christmas will reply if you submit your whole name and address! Santa / Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ is his address.

Middle of December: Wrap your gifts.
Start now rather than waiting until Christmas Eve. You can kill time by viewing a fantastic holiday film. Want some ideas for wrapping? Take your creativity and create handmade present tags and wrapping paper for Christmas.

Mid-December: Make a grocery list and place a food order.Remove the decorations from their hiding place and determine whether any more will be needed given this year’s purchases. At one time

Even if most of your celebratory meals will require purchasing in the near future, you may reduce anxiety by creating a comprehensive list of everything you’ll need in advance.

For products like turkey and party food, you can place an order in advance, but don’t wait until the last minute to get exactly what you want. Send in your orders as soon as you can.
One week before Christmas, clean up the house.

Despite the fact that no one like doing it, thoroughly cleaning the house now will reduce stress on Christmas Eve. Once you roll up your sleeves and finish everything—from the oven to the bathroom—you’ll feel a lot better.

A current inspection should be made one week before Christmas.
While you won’t have time to buy for the majority of your celebratory foods just yet, you can ease your mind by making a thorough list of everything you’ll need.

You can order ahead for items like party food and turkey, but don’t wait until the last minute to get exactly what you want. Place your orders as soon as possible.

One week prior to Christmas, tidy up the home.

Although nobody particularly like doing it, giving the house a thorough cleaning now will relieve a lot of tension on Christmas Eve. You’ll feel much better after you roll up your sleeves and finish everything, from the oven to the restroom.

A week prior to Christmas, examine your presents.

Do you have all you require? Are you certain, Sharon, that you don’t have something for your second cousin? If so, make sure you have necessary supplies on hand, such as batteries, so the kids can really play with their new finds.
It’s two days till Christmas. Go grocery shopping.

Now is the perfect time to shop for groceries armed with a plan and your reliable shopping list. Allow plenty of time (you may have to wait in line), and be ready to settle for a substitute item in case the store doesn’t have what you’re looking for. When you’re finished, treat yourself to one of those mince pies you baked earlier.

Dec. 24: Prepare the table.

Use these pointers to set the table, tidy up at the last minute, and make sure you feel as prepared as possible for the big day.
December 24: Prepare lunch.

Preparing your turkey for roasting by peeling the vegetables, stuffing, and pigs in blankets. We have a helpful guide to the ideal timings for the ideal spread, whether this is your first year entertaining or you simply never seem to get it exactly right.
Christmas Eve: Arrange the gifts

After the children have gone to bed, prepare the presents so they can wake up to them in the morning. Of course, before they go to bed, they should leave milk, a mince pie, and carrots for Santa and his reindeer.

Finally, after all that preparation, you’re done! Don’t you think that deserves a glass of wine?